Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Blog 5

this year. It was so much drama over this that people was thinking that Chris Brown couldn’t have done that. I was one of those people who were in denial until I saw the pictures of her face. I was like “wow” how could he have done that to her. It brought back all the times my mother and father got in heated arguments in front of me. They were together for like 16 years and never married because he had commitment issues. Why couldn’t we have a normal life like everybody else? He cheated on her and had two kids by two different women while they were together. My mother had to go through a lot with the baby mamas and was actually fighting over a jackass like my father. It hurt her so bad that she was crying a lot of times and taking stuff out on me and my sister. It’s like I can’t trust any black guys because of the way my father treated my mother that I have this stereotype that all black guys are low down people. I had so many issues growing up that our needed a father to talk to me sometime. My security blanket growing up was television because I knew that it would always be there for me. After my mother finally got my father out of her life; that was when she became a strong person again. I just hope that I get over my issues so I can actually be happy with my life.

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