Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Blog 6

Why do women always see polyamorous lifestyle as a negative thing? Many people assume that an open relationship model mainly benefits the male of the partnership, since women are generally thought to be more inclined to monogamy and are therefore being taken advantage of in a polyamorous arrangement. That is not the case women tend to enjoy it with a chance to recreate sexual roles and completely own their sensuality. I’m free person who likes trying new things that some women normally wouldn’t do. If women didn’t know if she likes men or women polyamorous arrangement would be great for them because they could have the opportunity to express all facets of their sexuality. Bisexuality gives polyamorous women a greater variety of partners to choose from than the mostly straight male poly population has. It is also usually much easier for women to find available and willing male partners than it is for men to find females of the same persuasion. All you hear know is how men are cheaters but if women were more in touch with their sexualities than maybe they would know who their spouses are sleeping with at night. It’s perfect for couples who like adventure in their life. Women can roam like a male does in polyamorous society, there is more emphasis on equality between the sexes when it comes to familial roles, as well. Because women do not feel tied to one person, they are more likely to remain independent socially, financially, and in other important ways. Who wouldn’t like to sleep with another guy besides their husband, as long as I know where his Johnson going I don’t see a problem with it.

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