Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Women often bear the brunt of poverty and human rights abuses; but as activists they use these roles to trigger positive social change. They are trying to move up by staying strong and fighting for what they believe which is women rights. Women are affected by poverty, violence and human rights violations more than men because of the discrimination they face the world over. Women are often the most active agents of positive social change in their communities, working tirelessly to improve their lives and the situation of their families. Women are responsible for some of the most effective grassroots-based human rights work all over the globe. Like Angelina Jolie she is known for making things positive for countries that don’t have any will power to help it’s self. She is great example for women because she stands up to people and knows how to handle things with governments. Women play a big role in defending human and workers rights in their constituencies by using the non-violent approach. Women tend to do a lot of campaigns; They done a lot of education and raising awareness so that women can speak for themselves on issues that affect them on a day to day basis. Unlike men have they given up on the first try, but women keep on going until we get what we want. The only way government take action is when celebrities get involve. If women more as a whole then maybe we could pass more laws to help women out.

Blog 6

Why do women always see polyamorous lifestyle as a negative thing? Many people assume that an open relationship model mainly benefits the male of the partnership, since women are generally thought to be more inclined to monogamy and are therefore being taken advantage of in a polyamorous arrangement. That is not the case women tend to enjoy it with a chance to recreate sexual roles and completely own their sensuality. I’m free person who likes trying new things that some women normally wouldn’t do. If women didn’t know if she likes men or women polyamorous arrangement would be great for them because they could have the opportunity to express all facets of their sexuality. Bisexuality gives polyamorous women a greater variety of partners to choose from than the mostly straight male poly population has. It is also usually much easier for women to find available and willing male partners than it is for men to find females of the same persuasion. All you hear know is how men are cheaters but if women were more in touch with their sexualities than maybe they would know who their spouses are sleeping with at night. It’s perfect for couples who like adventure in their life. Women can roam like a male does in polyamorous society, there is more emphasis on equality between the sexes when it comes to familial roles, as well. Because women do not feel tied to one person, they are more likely to remain independent socially, financially, and in other important ways. Who wouldn’t like to sleep with another guy besides their husband, as long as I know where his Johnson going I don’t see a problem with it.

Blog 5

this year. It was so much drama over this that people was thinking that Chris Brown couldn’t have done that. I was one of those people who were in denial until I saw the pictures of her face. I was like “wow” how could he have done that to her. It brought back all the times my mother and father got in heated arguments in front of me. They were together for like 16 years and never married because he had commitment issues. Why couldn’t we have a normal life like everybody else? He cheated on her and had two kids by two different women while they were together. My mother had to go through a lot with the baby mamas and was actually fighting over a jackass like my father. It hurt her so bad that she was crying a lot of times and taking stuff out on me and my sister. It’s like I can’t trust any black guys because of the way my father treated my mother that I have this stereotype that all black guys are low down people. I had so many issues growing up that our needed a father to talk to me sometime. My security blanket growing up was television because I knew that it would always be there for me. After my mother finally got my father out of her life; that was when she became a strong person again. I just hope that I get over my issues so I can actually be happy with my life.

Blog 3

A lot has change for women in the workforce since 1920’s when women could only work in warehouses knitting clothes. The shift of women to paid labor has led to a widespread transformation of the traditional rules and practices of daily life, not only at workplaces, but in families. As work and family changed, there were reverberations throughout society. Article 12 in Women’s Lives book says “A woman is not a woman in a world like this, she is numbers on clothing”, The only people who think that is a male who tends to sleep with a lot of girls who keeps her clothing as number. More jobs for women have opened up that virtually had been closed to females and vast numbers were educated in law, medicine, business, and engineering. Women have the freedom to be more than just a number she can make her own choices when it comes to choosing her career path. Women can be a woman by telling a man what to do because you are the boss. If a man comes on to them they can just sue the company for a lump sum, so who doesn’t have power now. It’s just women need to improve some of their business savvy. When it comes to deals women are so weak that men tend to walk over them. Women think they need to know someone fairly well in order to help them so women don't have as many contacts as men. Women just need to be more like a guy if they want to get further in the working world.

Blog 1

They are some many issues that women have that you can't even keep count on all the issues at hand because media focus on the negative things about women as a whole. The roles of women presented in the media, from talk shows, to entertainment shows as well as news reporting can often end up reinforcing the status quo and the cultural stereotypes, which influence other women to follow suit. I notice that mainstream press coverage continues to rely on men as experts in the fields of business, politics and economics. Women in the news are more likely to be featured in stories about accidents, natural disasters, or domestic violence than in stories about their professional abilities or expertise. If you ever look at the sports channel they use different language when they talk about female athletes. Where men are described as "big," "strong," "brilliant," "gutsy" and "aggressive," women are more often referred to as "weary," "fatigued," "frustrated," "panicked," "vulnerable" and "choking”. Women are just meant to be eye candy for men in the media and to get left over that nobody wants to talk or do. People still use that the way a woman looks is far more important than what she has to say. I really hope that I a job because of my resume and not by the skirt I wear. Many media activists argue that producers should be called to account, and that images of women should be forced to be more realistic. I really do hope that the media changes it views how to treat women as person and not an object.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

Does Skin Tone Really Matter?

When we were reading the story When I Was Growing Up it made me think about my childhood in Tennessee. Like the girl in the story I long for long hair and lighter skin. I was always jealous of my older sister because she had the lighter skin and longer hair. She always got attention from people,while I felt like the ugly duckling in the family. She got cell phone at the age 16 while I had to wait til 18. I always thought about bleching my skin, I never went outside because I didn't want to get darker. She always got guys in high school while I never had boyfriend. Like my junior year of high school I started getting attention older white males. I thought I was special because they actually liked for some reason. I liked that so much that now I only talk to older white guys. It makes me feel happy inside about myself that somebody actually likes the way I look. I don’t say this out loud but sometimes I think about being white. They always have the tiny figures, the long hair, and a boyfriend. Black people can’t even get a man to commit to them unless they have sex with them on like the 2nd date. A while a white male has it all planned out, he wants to be married by 30, have kids at 32, move to another state in a few more years, put the kids through college and finally retire with his lovely wife and travel the world. So, in my opinion, it might be the look if you want a real relationship and marriage.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Some Things Have Not Change

Over the weekend I was reading a post that said Rush Limbaugh calls for a return for segregated buses in the united states. All because some young black students attacked a white student. I was thinking if Limbaugh is talking like that then maybe he would want to take back women's rights since he wants us to be segregated again. This is the actually comment he made “If homosexuality being inborn is what makes it acceptable, why does racism being inborn not make racism acceptable?” the talk show host asked. “I’m sorry — I mean, this is the way my mind works. But apparently now we don’t choose racism, we just are racists. We are born that way. We don’t choose it. So shouldn’t it be acceptable, excuse — this is according to the way the left thinks about things.” These comments blow my mind because if he is saying this then what does he think about feminism. I actually think if he had the power he would like women to have no rights. Nothing has change if you have people thinking like Limbaugh in this world. Over the weekend I was reading a post that said Rush Limbaugh calls for a return for segregated buses in the united states. All because some young black students attacked a white student. I was thinking if Limbaugh is talking like that then maybe he would want to take back women's rights since he wants us to be segregated again. This is the actually comment he made “If homosexuality being inborn is what makes it acceptable, why does racism being inborn not make racism acceptable?” the talk show host asked. “I’m sorry — I mean, this is the way my mind works. But apparently now we don’t choose racism, we just are racists. We are born that way. We don’t choose it. So shouldn’t it be acceptable, excuse — this is according to the way the left thinks about things.” These comments blow my mind because if he is saying this then what does he think about feminism. I actually think if he had the power he would like women to have no rights. Nothing has change if you have people thinking like Limbaugh in this world. Honestly think that women are weak because we are divided in these political parties where men have the power. We should have women only political party, so we can elect more women in the government. I think it is more women in this country then man and if all the women came as a whole we can have some major accomplishments for Women’s Movement.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


I can start off by saying my name is Brittany Rochelle Dansby and I'm from Murfreesboro,TN. I graduated from Oakland High School in 2007. I love watching 80's movies. Recently just got my Driver Licence at the ripe old age of 20. My guilty pleasure this summer was watching True Blood. OMG I love me some Bill and Sookie! I'm junior and my major is Health Sciences with a concentration in Environmental Health Science. Wow that is very long title to say! If you ask me what I'm going to do with this major I would honestly tell you I have no clue what I will be doing in the future. All I can tell you that I'm definitely going to get my master's degree. I chose to come to WKU over MTSU to be on my own away from family because I depended on my family to much in my life. If I didn't leave they would have controlled everything I did. I want to make my own decisions even if they are bad sometimes. I expect to learn more about what women have to go through on a daily basics and hear what other women and men think about our society today. I hope by my senior year I find out what I'm going to do with my major. I want to enjoy going to work everyday and not hate it. I hope my future brings me happiness!